New House - Attempt 2
The last few months have brought a lot of change for Mandy and I as we lost the last house we were going to move into, thee days before closing, had Josiah, decided to pursue a career change (I am now a full time mortgage broker, so let me know if you want to buy a house or refi your current one), and are now once again planning a move into Vancouver, WA.
Through it all God has been very gracious to confirm each step of our journey and open the right doors for us.
Josiah is growing quickly, he celebrated his one month birthday Friday and is awake much more then he was. He likes to stare at his surroundings and it is fun trying to imagine what is going through his mind. I have a theory about the way a baby thinks. As people we think using words to internally express our thoughts to ourselvs. But for babies who have no words, or understanding of words, how are their thoughts organized? My guess is that they "think" more through the emotions they are feeling. For example, Josiah is poopy, he is uncomfortable, he doesn't internally comprehend what is going on at this stage, but he knows he is unhappy, so he fusses. Or hungry, notices the discomfort, doesn't "think" I need food, but he knows he isn't happy. He is in his swing watching the mechanisms, he doesn't know what he is watching, but he watches it, over and over again, until it imprints on his mind and he can recognize the pattern that is going on and thus develop a sense of familiarity. This is how he will recognize voices and people that he is around a lot. Just some food for thought.
We call him the "Grunter" because he is always grunting and making these little guy noises. Overall he is a very happy little guy and is easy to take care of, except for the explosive diapers of course :)
Emily is adjusting real well and absolutely adores her little brother. We are still working on the concept of gentle with her but are very happy that she loves her brother so much. She will spend time with him, talking in a high little voice and instructing him on the ways of being a little Winslow.
Keep watching as we will continue posting pictures. I have changed the design of the site so that it will only show a certain number of pictures on the front page, that way those with slower connections won't have to wait forever for the page to load. If you want to see all the pictures in a certain month, click on the month you would like to see under the Archives section on the right hand side. I would welcome your feedback on the new design and will change it back if public opinion sways me that way.
Gabe and Mandy - what a lovely family. We hope to see the kids soon.
Love, The Breedloves
P.S. The Bronco is officially on the market. It will be located outstide Salem about 30-40 miles at Western Oregon University. Pass the news around and see if there are any takers :)!
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