Clan Winslow

The Life and Times of the Winslow family as we journey through life, seeking to serve and glorify God with all we do and enjoy a little craziness along the way...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Cherishing the moments

Emily continues to grow at a phenomenal rate. We both look at her and think she has already changed so much from three weeks ago (which she has). She has gained over a pound and is getting close to an inch longer. I told Mandy it is a good thing I don't grow that much.

She is a very sweet baby, and except for the fact she likes to wake up for the night right around 21:30 (9:30 pm) or so she hasn't really disrupted our schedules. No, she has taken them over. I mean that in a good way of course. She has her own way of setting our schedules. For example, we have entered into this routine where she won't poop during the day, she loves her Daddy you know, and so she waits until evening. I have learned that when I changed her diaper to just hold her feet and wait a bit. Sure enough, she will poop so much that she literally fills the entire diaper up and a few times we have had to resort to a second diaper. I am a veteran though and have learned how to navigate the mine-field. I have thought about changing my title from "Dad," to: "Pooper-scooper" (You know, the guys who run after the horses at parades to "clean-up.").

Mandy took her out today for the girls first day out. They both did very well. Mandy's recovery is going very well, and she is mainly dealing with an advanced case of cabin fever. We both are amazed at God's grace to us in this time. I know for myself, that even though I get less sleep at night, I seem to have more energy then I did before Emily was born. It doesn't make sense to me, but I am very thankful for God's grace, He knows I need it.

Keep checking back as we will keep posting pictures and updates. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Please keep praying for wisdom and guidance in raising Emily.

Studying Grandpa. Posted by Hello

I think I like bath time... Posted by Hello

Getting ready for bed. Posted by Hello

The littlest aunt. Posted by Hello

A penny for your thoughts? Posted by Hello

The "I want" look... Posted by Hello

A quieter moment. Posted by Hello

Happy Mommy and thoughtful Emily Posted by Hello

Emily wanting Mommy's ice cream. Posted by Hello

20 days and growing... Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

No one said they started growing this fast.

Emily Jane is 12 days old today and we took her into the doctor for her newborn checkup. She has gained 14 ounces (almost a pound) and grew 1/2 an inch. It seems hard to believe that she is already growing so much. The Dr. said that she looks very healthy and was very pleased with her progress.

The Dr. also checked on Mandy's progress and after doing an ultrasound, concluded that she is doing much better. She has to take pills for two more days and then she should be all done, and no D&C.

We took Mom Smith back to the airport on Saturday, and will miss having her around. She was a great blessing to us. Life is beginning to settle down into a routine, Emily eats, burps, sleeps, poops, eats, sleeps, etc... Thankfully she has been sleeping very well at night, so Mommy and Daddy aren't zombies yet.

There isn't anything else too exciting to tell you, so I am going to go read "Peter and the Starcatchers" to my wife.


Three Generations Posted by Hello

Sleeping like...a baby Posted by Hello

Emily Jane, 11 days old.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Almost a week...

Tomorrow is the week anniversary of Emily's birth. Life is starting to settle down as we are beginning to figure out her wants and needs. Or shall I say, each day is full of new adustments and we will spend the next 20 years figuring out her needs and wants.

I am back to work, and we are very thankful that Grandma is around to be with Mandy and help her out. She has been such a blessing. We went to the Dr's yesterday because Mandy was running a fever and our midwife was worried that there might be an infection caused by some membranes that were not expelled with the placenta. So, Mandy is taking medication that is giving her contractions for the next three days in order for the tissue to be pushed out. Your prayers that this happen would be appreciated. If this doesn't happen, she will have to go in for a D&C.

For those of you that are intercessors, I would like to mention the need of two of our friends. Joel and Kimmy Harris are pregnant with their first baby and found out on Friday that she (baby) has a heart that is not properly developed and they will need three open heart surgeries for their baby in the first few years. Having just been through labor and having Emily around, this is a matter that we are very sympathetic to and will be lifting up in prayer.

If anyone is trying to decide whether or not to have a baby, do it. There isn't anything in the world like losing a whole nights sleep in the effort of pacifying your little child, except for maybe figuring out what she wants to the point where you can enjoy her during the day and sleep with her at your side during the night. Either way, Emily is such an immense joy and pleasure to have around that Mandy and I strongly encourage everyone to try it :)

Uncle Jon, enjoying his first niece... Posted by Hello

Mommy, Daddy, and Emily, So happy together!!! Posted by Hello

Friday, April 08, 2005

God is Good

We spent a rather sleepless night last night watching after our little girl. She apparently is a night person, so we are adjusting to that. She is a very peaceful baby and most of the time is quiet and beautiful. She weighed in at 8lbs and 21 inches. The midwife came by today and said that she is looking great, as is Mommy.
For those interested in birth details, Mandy was in early first stage labor for about 24 hours (Monday midnight-Tuesday midnight), she was in active labor from Tuesday midnight till 11-12 Wednesday morning, and she pushed for just under an hour till Emily was born at 1:15pm. Mandy did incredibly well, and the midwife and her assistant both said Mandy made this look incredibly easy. We gave birth in a birthing pool we had set up in the house, and I was able to deliver Emily with the midwife's coaching. What an incredible joy to be not only present, but the one that got to help my wife deliver our baby and bring her into the world. Birth is such a wonderful mystery, and being present and part of the process instills such greatfulness and wonder at what God has created. David says in Psalms 139:13: "For you formed my inward parts, You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works[!]" I can't say it any better. Both Mandy and I (and Grandma, and all visitors) just stare at little Emily and marvel at the complete and thourough intricacy of her details. Every curve of her ears, every wrinkle on her knuckles; she is completely formed and yet so small and delicate. And to think that this all occured in nine months, what an awesome God. Keep checking as I will continue to post pictures.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Grandparents Posted by Hello

Emily, alert and beautiful Posted by Hello

The Aunts Posted by Hello

Mommy and Emily, looking great! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Grandma Sheryl Jane Smith and Emily Jane Winslow Posted by Hello

Grandma Winslow and Emily Posted by Hello

Emily Jane Winslow, Beautiful. Posted by Hello

Now Announcing: Emily Jane Winslow

Born at 1:15pm on Wednesday, April 6, 2005. Mommy did exceptionally well during labor, and both Mommy and Emily are healthy and glad the affair is over. We will post more details about her size and weight later when we have them.

A very happy Daddy

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Preparing for Day Two

Mary, the midwife has just left and Mandy is dialated to one centimeter. She said she expects sometime later tomorrow, or tomorrow night, possibly even Thursday for Baby to come. So, we are going to go to bed and get rest, as much as we can with the contractions coming. Thank you for your prayers, we can really tell that God is providing for us and sustaining us through this time.

The Three Mommas Posted by Hello

Victory...of a sort.

For the first time in my life I have beaten two Smith women at Scrabble. We figure it must have happened because I lost my voice yesterday and I had to compensate for not being able to express myself verbally in a rare outburst of Scrabble creativity.

My mom came over this afternoon and the four of us went for a walk to the Library, and around and about. Mandy's contractions are still in a holding pattern, but after dinner they began to renew their strength and it looks like the could be growing more and more intense. Keep checking and we'll let you know when hard labor begins.

The Good Kind of Waiting

After the earlier post the contractions let up in their intensity a little bit and Mandy was able to sleep fairly well from 6-10. Since then we all took a walk (see picture below) to help keep things moving. The contractions are still coming quite regularly, but the intensity varies. We talked to the midwife and she said that everything sounds like it is progressing nicely for early labor. Hence, we are waiting, playing Scrabble (I will most certainly lose), and waiting some more. But, it is the good kind of wait, the type where you can begin to see the light in the distance, the type where you know you have almost reached your goal. In our case, the goal will be very sweet indeed.

Mandy and Mom walking the nature trail and counting the contractions. Posted by Hello


It appears as if Mandy entered into labor sometime between 12 and 2am this morning. After she couldn't sleep and was somewhat uncomfortable she decided to take a warm shower to see if the change of pace would cause the contractions to slow down. The shower didn't deter them, which is one sign that labor could be coming. We began timing her contractions after she got out and they were coming 5-10 minutes apart and lasting up to two minutes. Some have been very intense. We continue to monitor the contractions and hope to tell everyone that Baby has come later today.

Monday, April 04, 2005

The City

Today we braved our way from the timid countryside into the bowels of Portland's Pearl district. Mom took us shopping at Whole Foods, and we are now well stocked with good fruits, vegetables, and other food for the coming week. I don't intend this to sound negative, but in some ways we are like the people sheltered in the castle waiting for the siege to end. Baby has such a hold on our lives and with Mandy at this advanced stage, we are very limited by what we can do. She is still holding up very well in her attitude and how she is handling being 8 days past her due date, but it will be very nice to have Baby out. That being said, we are so thankful to have a God who is sovereign and who has plans for our good. We spent some time reading the Psalms and it was so encouraging to just be able to read praises to our God. So, as soon as His timing comes about we will be ready and waiting for Baby to come.

We reviewed our Bradley class material with Mom today so that she could get a quick tutorial on the classes we were taking. Mandy also put Baby's carseat together again after washing it, and Baby's room is all ready for him/her to come, so we figure there isn't really any reason Baby shouldn't come now.

Tomorrow will be midwife appointment and I will be back at work, waiting for that call to tell me that Baby is coming. Till then, have a good night everyone, and remember that God's grace, love, and mercy will be new to all of us tomorrow morning.


Yesterday was uneventful. Mandy didn't feel the greatest, so we stayed home, rested, and caught up with Mom. We watched a funny James Garner movie called "Support Your Local Gunfigher." It gave everyone a good laugh. Mom made her famous spinach souffle, so we had good eating last night.

Mandy and Mom...Waiting for Baby... Posted by Hello